L410 cockpit modernization with GARMIN G700 TXi

Aeroservis recently obtained an EASA STC for the installation the Garmin G700TXi semi-glass cockpit suite. This technology brings the L 410 cockpit to a level comparable with contemporary aircraft types, while at the same time improving safety, reliability and the quality of the work environment for flight crews. The Garmin G700TXi suite is a complete… Continue reading L410 cockpit modernization with GARMIN G700 TXi

PF 2023

We hope that you will, despite the mad rush of this life, be able to reserve a few moments in a quiet place, to reflect and to refresh your dreams. Where-ever you may find yourself during this festive season and in the year ahead, we sincerely wish you all of the very best for 2023.… Continue reading PF 2023

Hot section inspection for PT6 engines.

Recently, Aeroservis achieved a new milestone regarding the maintenance of our L410 aircraft with PT6 engines. Our maintenance engineers, in cooperation with Euravia Engineering & Supply Co. Limited, successfully performed a hot section check on both installed PT6A-42 engines. This kind of check requires that the engines be split in half so that the turbines… Continue reading Hot section inspection for PT6 engines.

Terms of Approval

Regulation, while difficult to argue against from a safety perspective, may, by some, be perceived to result in unwanted delays and lengthy processes. Be that as it may, the allocation of privileges, can, in accordance with the provisions of Part 21, (and with the required oversight), maintain the industry required level of safety on the… Continue reading Terms of Approval

More available spare parts for the main landing gear of L410

What are the options open to an operator when a relatively small part, that is not readily available, results in the aircraft effectively being grounded? The case in point, is the rear hinge of the L410 Main Landing Gear. The functioning surfaces of this hinge are subject to corrosion and to wear, which necessitates the replacement… Continue reading More available spare parts for the main landing gear of L410