It is often said, especially during challenging times, that you can do no better than play, to the best of your ability, the hand you have been dealt. The hand dealt during the last few years to the Aviation Industry, has certainly been a challenging one.
Yet, despite experiencing turbulence on many fronts, Aeroservis has pushed ahead towards its goals, not only in respect to activities relating to its core function as Aircraft Maintenance Organisation, but also in respect to its Design and Production Departments. At the beginning of 2020, and during very unstable and uncertain pandemic times, Aeroservis obtained its STC authorizing the installation of PT6A-42 engines on L 410 UVP-E and L 410 UVP-E20 aircraft. Since then, the first aircraft has successfully flown more than 1000 Flight Hours with the new engines.
Not only is achieving this STC a culmination of many years of dedication and hard work, but it also evidences perseverance in the face of difficulties and challenges.
“You cannot control the events or circumstances of your life, but you can control your reactions.” – Dr Caroline Leaf